NILD Educational Therapy: Level III
This course will help the participant to expand their ability to incorporate cognitive function development within the NILD educational therapy techniques, effectively implement mediated learning experiences, and develop language competencies in students.
In addition, participants will continue to explore the usage of psychological and educational assessments, which reveal patterns of cognitive strengths and weaknesses and gain a comprehensive understanding of Level I & II techniques. Level I and II techniques will be reviewed, and Level III techniques will be introduced.
This course will equip the educational therapist to more effectively implement NILD techniques by having an understanding of cognitive functions, cognitive modifiability, and mediated learning.
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Evaluate the 5 core techniques in the light of cognitive functions
- Demonstrate competency in the Level II techniques
- Develop language competencies in students by using techniques that utilize reading comprehension and written expression
- Incorporate cognitive function development within NILD educational therapy
- Refine diagnostic and prescriptive competency
- Refine questioning skills to stimulate oral language
- Further develop the skills of pacing, transitions, and application of mediated learning
- Articulate an understanding of the theoretical constructs that underlie NILD Educational Therapy
During the 4-week online portion of the course, Participants will be required to:
- Watch video vignettes online
- Follow lectures (in PowerPoint format) online
- Read sections of the course manual
- Submit papers
- Respond to discussion board questions
- Complete knowledge surveys
- Read sections from prescribed books
- Review level II techniques
During the 1-week Residency portion of the course, Participants will be required to:
- Attend classes from 8:00 to 17:00 daily
- Do Level II Demonstrations
- Submit papers
=iTo be obtained by participant:
1. Speech to Print, Language Essentials for Teachers, 2nd Edition (2010). Louisa Cook Moats, Ed.D. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company. ISBN: 978-1-59857-050-2.
2. Educational Therapy in Action: Behind and Beyond the Office Door, 1st Edition (2011). Dorothy Fink Ungerleider. ISBN: 978-0-415-88885-1
3. Mediated Learning, Teaching, Tasks and Tools to Unlock Cognitive Potential – Mentis & Dunn-Bernstein, 2nd Edition (2008). Corwin Press. ISBN: 978-1-4129-5070-1.
4. Teaching How to Learn in a What to Learn Culture – Kathy Hopkins
5. Wordly Wise 3000® 2nd Edition Student Book 6 or 3rd Edition Student Book 6. Available at:
- Analogies 1. Arthur Liebman. Item #2225-W1 available at:
- Analogies 2. Arthur Liebman. Item #2227-W1 available at:
- Rules of the Game 2. Item #2239-W1 available at:
- Rules of the Game 2 Answer key. Item #2240-W1 available at: (Please note: You do not need to purchase Wordly Wise, the Analogies books or Rules of the game before the course – these can be purchased after the course is completed. Copies of these books will be available for you to use during the course).
Receipt of fees does not guarantee acceptance onto the course. If your application is unsuccessful, your full deposit will be refunded. Should there be space on a course, late registrations may be considered.
Refund Policy
- Refunds will be made only upon written request.
- Registration, less R500 processing fee, will be refunded if cancellation is made after application has been accepted.
- NILD has the option to retain tuition payment for any participant who does not notify NILD of non-attendance at least one week prior to the course’s start-date.
Classes start at 8.00 am each day and will finish at the latest at 5 pm.
Please note: You need to attend the entire training (one 1 week block) in order to fulfil the pass requirements. The airport is about an hour from the venue, so bear this in mind when booking your return trip.
Accommodation and meals: Please arrange your own.
Transport: We recommend that you make use of a Shuttle service or Uber.
Minimum number of course participants: 6
Maximum number of course participants: 20
The minimum number of applicants for this training is 6. Should the minimum number NOT be reached, the training will be cancelled and your deposit will be fully refunded. It is therefore important that you do NOT book any flights until AFTER the closing date for applications (9th August). You will be informed as soon as possible.
NILD's Philosophy:
Believing that all students can learn and that the brain is open to modification at all stages of development, we provide direct and focused educational treatment for cognitive systems that are weak and vulnerable
- Successful completion of Levels I and II training and hold current NILD membership
- Minimum educational therapy student contact of 2 years/200 hours
- On-site supervision: On-site is needed if Level II training or last on-site was more than 4 years prior to application. Please contact Leone’ Jenkinson should you need an on-site supervision. (
Deposit: R7 650
(due with application form)