Search and Teach
It is my pleasure to announce that NILD-South Africa will be offering a Search and Teach Training Course, 5 days for non-NILD Educational Therapists, and 3 days for NILD Educational Therapists.
The SEARCH AND TEACH® model was developed by Drs. A. A. Silver, MD and R. A. Hagin Ph.D. at New York University in the 1960’s. Deborah Zimmerman, co-founder of NILD, worked on the development of this programme, and today NILD offers SEARCH & TEACH training in North and South America, South East Asia, India, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Many SEARCH AND TEACH practitioners across the globe can attest to the value of this programme. In 1979 the programme was validated by the Joint Dissemination Panel of the US Department of Education by being included in their prestigious “Education Programs that Work”.
The goal of the Search and teach® programme is to identify 5- to 7-year-old individuals who are vulnerable to learning failure and to address the issues before failure has occurred.
Children may be vulnerable due to a variety of reasons. These include, but are not restricted to, genetic factors, minimal structural damage to the central nervous system, physiological stress and lack of specific stimulation during the critical ages of children’s development.
The TEACH programme utilises a variety of perceptual techniques to address the students’ areas of weakness. It is consistent with important theories of learning, such as those developed by Piaget, Luria, Vygotsky and Feuerstein. It aims to equip students to succeed in the classroom and in life as independent learners.
SEARCH is a short, individual test designed to:-
- Provide a clear profile of strengths and weaknesses in neuropsychological skills.
- Provide a structure to guide appropriate intervention before failure has occurred.
Search and Teach South Coast July 2017
Venue: SCILD Centre
- Visual
- Visual-Motor
- Auditory
- Body-Image
- Intermodal
The trained TEACH practitioner will organise these tasks into a practical plan as ascertained by the results of the SEARCH Test. Typically a child will work ‘one-on-one’ with the practitioner 3 to 4 times a week for 30 minutes. Some tasks can be done by small groups of children with similar profiles.
The training of SEARCH & TEACH practitioners is at a post-graduate level and is comprehensive and thorough. For Non-NILD Educational Therapists the course will be of 5 days duration, with the first two days covering theory and tasks already familiar to NILD Educational Therapist. NILD Educational Therapists will join the course for the final 3 days, which will cover further theory, training in the administration of SEARCH, and an introduction to the 55 TEACH Tasks. Each student will undergo a practical assessment on the final day.
NILD's Philosophy:
Believing that all students can learn and that the brain is open to modification at all stages of development, we provide direct and focused educational treatment for cognitive systems that are weak and vulnerable
R8 400 (Non-therapists)
R6 160 (NILD Educational Therapists)
A surcharge of R500 will be charged for applications received after the closing date. In addition to tuition, the course fee includes all other materials and equipment necessary to commence using the SEARCH AND TEACH programme.
The SEARCH AND TEACH course that will be presented on behalf of NILD will be held wherever there are 6 people to train.
Recommended: One to two years classroom teaching experience, an understanding of terminology relating to learning disabilities, and some knowledge of tests and measurements.